Monday, February 14, 2022

Keto yogurt v2, 13% butterfat

Based on:


  • Large portion
    • 12.5 C whole milk = 2,953 g (this is about the maximum that will fit)
    • 5 C cream = 1,183 g
  • Small portion
    • 10 C whole milk = 2,362 g
    • 4 C cream = 946 g
  • 2 T Fage plain yogurt


  1. Sterilize the Instant Pot. Put 2 C of water in the inner pot, along with the trivet, a whisk, a glass bowl, a spoon, and a 1/2 C measure. Have a thermometer handy. Cook on high pressure for 3 minutes.
  2. Pour out the the water from the pot. Pour milk and cream in. 
  3. Push Yogurt button then Adjust button, until the screen reads "boil." Let cook about 50 minutes, until it beeps. Whisk occasionally. Check that temperature has come up to 182 - 185 F. If temperature is too low when it beeps, use Slow Cook Less.
  4. Remove the inner pot, and set on top of a large ice pack. Allow the milk to cool to 110 degrees, whisking occasionally. This will take over 1 hour.
  5. Put the yogurt into the glass bowl, and whisk it a bit to break it up. Scoop out 1/2 C of the warm milk mixture into the glass bowl, and whisk with the yogurt until dissolved. Then whisk the mixture back into the pot.
  6. Put the inner pot back into the Instant Pot. Cover, and set to Yogurt Normal for 24 hours.
  7. The next day, after it beeps, pour the yogurt into 2 red plastic containers. Put the containers in the refrigerator undisturbed for 6 to 8 hours, to cool and set.


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